6 Unforgettable Life Lessons that You need to Remember

From a younger age, I was told that I behave older than my age and I would smile. As I grew older, I realized that it came from my upbringing. My parents played a crucial role in making me who I am today and the kind of choices I make. Also, the fact that I was raised in the way of the Lord, bible principles also shaped the things I did, all in a bid to live Christ like and then some experiences and things I was exposed to also shaped the way I think. (Which I would be sharing in coming posts)

I am an advocate of living wisely and making smart decisions in life. Life comes with a lot of lessons that helps us along the journey of life. The experiences you have over the course of the year teaches you important truths. A few of them have stuck with me and I realize the it is our duty to take those learnings and apply them into our daily lives so we can live a happy, a more fulfilled and wholesome life.

1.     Embrace yourself, Unleash your potentials. Love yourself first and be self-sufficient. Depending on others for validation limits your potential and keeps you from achieving great things. Focus on your own growth, not others' opinions.

2.    Lower Expectation, Find Peace. Reducing your expectations from people can save you stress and prevent disappointment. Everyone is navigating their own journey, and understanding this helps maintain a balanced and positive outlook.

3.     Adapt, Learn and Grow. You cannot be rigid in this life. You need to be flexible and open to learning. Don't be stuck in your perspective of things, don't always think your opinion is right. Engaging in conversations can broaden your thinking and can help you with personal growth.

4.    Ride the waves, Embrace change. Life comes in waves or phases, each with its own challenges. What worked before might not work again. Be ready to navigate each phase with fresh strategies. Be willing to figure it out as you go along and be ready to pay the price when the need arises.

5.     Value Every friendship, Embrace the Journey. Not all friendships last forever. Some friends are here for a season, while others stay for a lifetime. Be grateful for all of them irrespective, as each one brings unique value to your life.

6.    Trust in God, Find your Path. You need God to navigate this life because there is so much you do not know. Without His guidance, it can be overwhelming. Surrendering to God, who knows your past, present, and future, provides direction and peace in the unknown.

Incorporating these six life lessons into my life, has helped me in my journey through life and if you can do same in your daily routine, it can transform your perspective and enhance your well-being.


Remember, every experience is a chance to learn and grow. Embrace these lessons, live wholeheartedly, and watch your life flourish.

Thank you for reading and may these insights bring you peace and inspiration.

Reminder from Mo.


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