How to enjoy being Single

First, we need to establish that
Marriage doesn't essentially guarantee happiness.

Society often pressures single women, making them feel their singlehood is a crime, especially as they approach their thirties. This pressure can lead to desperate measures or staying in toxic relationships just to be married. I have learnt from experience that it's better to be happily single than frustrated in a marriage. Here are some concise tips for embracing and enjoying singlehood:

1. Build a Stronger Connection with God

  • Faith: Engage in activities that strengthen your faith, such as attending church, studying the Bible, and joining a cell group.
  • God is our father, He knows it all and it is better to surrender your life to Him because those that put their faith in Him, shall not be put to shame. Jeremiah 29:11 says “For I know the plans I have for you, they are plans of good and not of evil to give you a hope and a future”.
  • There is an inner peace you have when you know that God has got you.

2. Focus on Self-Care and Development

  • Self-Improvement, Physical and mental well-being: Learn new skills, take courses, and read books. Engage in activities that keep your mind and body healthy. Exercise regularly, eat well, and rest adequately.  
  • It helps to reduce stress and improve overall happiness.

3. Build Strong Relationships

  • Family and Friends: Spend quality time with family and surround yourself with supportive friends. Engage in fun and social activities together, travel, and have regular catch-ups. 
  • This brings the kind of emotional support that you need. Don't isolate yourself.


4. Pursue Your Passions

  • Hobbies: Dive into hobbies you love or try new ones like painting, cooking, or dancing.  This is the time to explore. It makes for a liberating and empowering experience. 
  • It helps you to build your confidence and can also be therapeutic.

5. Professional Growth

  • Career Goals: Set and pursue career aspirations, seek mentorship, and take on challenges at work. Become financially independence: Save, invest, and build a strong professional network through events and workshops.
  • This helps you to build a strong professional network. The power of networking cannot be overlooked. 

6. Enjoy Your Own Company

  • Self-Kindness: Celebrate achievements and be gentle with yourself in times of failure. Enjoy activities alone, like movies, dining out, or taking walks. Celebrate your individuality.
  • It fosters self love, acceptance and resilience.

7. Seek Positive Role Models

  • Inspiration: Look up to women who lead fulfilling lives, read about their journeys, and draw inspiration from their experiences. 
  • Truly, not all that glitters is gold however you can gain valuable insights from positive role models that you can learn from.

8. Stay Open to Opportunities

  • New Experiences: Stay open to meeting new people and new experiences. Attend social events and be open to relationships and adventures. 
  • It challenges you to be adaptable. 


 In conclusion,

Remember that singlehood can be a rewarding period of self-discovery and growth. It depends on how you utilize the time. Rushing into marriage won't yield the results that you think. 

Marriage doesn't complete you. You need to build a life that brings you joy and satisfaction for yourself and when the right person comes, it becomes an addition. Besides, the energy you put out, will determine what you attract as well. 

Be happy, smile and be welcoming; of course while setting healthy boundaries.  

Embrace your single days as an opportunity to build a strong foundation for the future while enjoying the present. Don't waste it!

Reminder from Mo.


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