Knowing You; Chapter 4.



Chapter Four

The wedding planning was indeed tedious however the couple were able to work together as a team and when things seemed tense, they were able to scale through. They attended counseling without missing a session. They felt ready. The families were so glad and the church backed them. The wedding was beautiful. They both felt the love and had a wonderful time. It was all seamless and they knew that Gods hand was on their union. They were ready for what the future would bring.

“Baby, why would you just leave your things on the floor like this?” Mofe was pissed and had had it.

“What things?” Tayo asked as he was trying to focus on his football match.

“Your shoes. We have a shoe rack for them.” She responded.

“Oh, I am sorry. I needed to come settle in for the match. You should be watching with me now.” Tayo responded,

She grumbled as she picked up the shoes. “Baby please try to help me. Since you do not want us to have a help.”

“I will. I am sorry babes.” He said. “Please come and join me.” He had a sheepish smile on his face.

“I am coming.” She sat beside him, still looking upset. He began to tickle her till she burst out in laughter. “Baby stop it. You always do this”

“I am sorry my love. See, our team is about to score.” He gave her a kiss on her cheek and held her close to himself. She rested her head on his chest and watched with him.

They always had their way of resolving their conflict and their initial friendship helped them scale through certain things. The first year of the marriage was filled with honeymoon moments. They grew even closer and their spiritual life was blooming.

“I am not quite sure what the issue is.” Tayo explained to Akin as they sat on the porche of Akin’s house. “She has become quiet and when I ask her what the issue is, she says nothing.”

“Hmm, how long has this been going on?” Akin asked.

“For about a week now. Is it a woman thing? Does Folusho do the same?” Tayo was perplexed. Mofe had been acting cold for some days and attempts to get her to communicate was proving abortive.

“See, you need to get her to talk to you. This is Mofe, you have you way with her. Break down her walls and speak to her.” Akin responded. “Are you sure you didn’t do anything? Think back.”

“I don’t think I did anything.” He said.

“You may need to really think back. Something must have happened. This is not the Mofe I know. I am sure in due time; you both will be over it.” Akin smiled. “Cheer up okay. Go home and speak with your wife.”

Tayo drove home and tried to think back as to what could have caused Mofe to be reacting the way she was reacting. He wanted things to be back to normal and his wife happy again. He asked God to help him and he was determined to make things right.

He walked into the house and went for a hug and a kiss as was their tradition but Mofe simply hugged him and walked towards the dining area.

“Your mum called and asked that you try to see her this weekend. I think it has something to do with your younger brother.” She said as she set food on the table.

“Oh, okay dear, thank you.” He responded.

“Your dinner is served. You can eat when you are ready.” Mofe said and headed towards the bedroom. Tayo grabbed her hand and stopped her from moving any further.

“Baby, what is the matter? Why are you being so cold to me? This has been going on for a week now and I know I have asked you before. If there is anything I have done wrong, I will apologize.” Tayo said as he clung tightly to her hands.

“Its nothing.” She responded and tried to release her hand from his.

“Mofe, don’t do this. We are almost two years in this marriage and have known each other for six years in total. I know when you are not happy. Talk to me please.” Tayo said.

Mofe begun to cry. She released her hands from his and sat down quietly on the couch. Tayo moved closer to her and sat quietly waiting for her to come around.

“I have been trying to work through this but it is starting to get to me. I thought I could just work through it on my own and get over it.” She said,

“Come on Mofe, that is why we are married, a team. Let me in.” He responded.

“Tayo, when we got married, we agreed that we would wait a year before having kids and now we are almost 2 years in and no baby.” She said sadly.

“What?” He said in shock.

“What do you mean what?” She responded. “When your mum called today, she gave me hints. This has been happened for some time and I don’t want it to seem like I am reporting your mum to you.”

“Mofe, come on. This shouldn’t be an issue. We are still young in the marriage and I am not complaining.” He said holding her hands tightly.

“That is you, Tayo. Your mum and some of the family members do not share your sentiments.” She responded with tears coming down her cheek.

“Baby, we are fine. Why put yourself through all this? And as for my mum, I will do well to set her straight.” Tayo said with some agitation in his voice. “She cannot be doing this to you.”

“No Tayo, please don’t. It was subtle. I am just sensitive and I can take a hint. Please don’t say anything to mum.” Mofe pleaded with him.  

He was furious but he decided to calm down as his focus was to calm his wife down and get her back to her usual self.

“Okay Mofe. I hear you; I will not fight mum. Though I have to let her know one way or the other so she doesn’t out you under any unnecessary pressure.” He said.

“Thank you, baby.” She responded starring into space. “I am really worried. We have been trying for almost a year now.”

“Baby please don’t do this to yourself. God has been good to us. Our careers are doing great, you still got to travel recently to France for a company conference after your promotion. I just got a huge client to support. We are able to travel around the world with ease. Financially we are doing well, spiritually we are also growing and as a couple we must continue to grow together stronger.” Tayo explained.

“It’s not about money, baby!” She retorted.

“I know but it is part of it. God is helping us to be able to have a good plan for our kids to come. We have a lot to be thankful for. Let’s not loose sight of this.” He said to her as he moved to her side and laid her head on his chest. “We still have a lot to be thankful for.”

Mofe cried softly and quietly. “I know and I am grateful to God for it all. I just hope that we are okay.”

“I am sure we are both fine. God has got us.” Tayo said to her. “Baby lets pray.”

They both decided to live their lives and put their trust in God completely. They threw themselves into making their marriage stronger, into their work and into the service of God.

“Baby … Baby…” Mofe shouted as she ran out of the bedroom to meet Tayo in the living room.

“What is it?” He was confused and wondered why she would call out in such a loud voice. She showed him the home pregnancy test and it was positive. They were expecting their own child. Finally, four years into their marriage. He lifted her off the ground and gave her a huge hug, spinning her round and round the room.

“God is a faithful father. He said it and He did it.” Mofe said as she bursted into tears.

“He is indeed a good good father.” Tayo said as they both went on their knees to thank God.

“We will need to go to the hospital to do a blood test before we inform anyone.” Mofe said.

“I am with you all the way. Anything you want.” Tayo said as he gave his wife a big hug. They were over the moon and their hearts were filled with gratitude.

The pregnancy was confirmed and the families were all happy and grateful to God for the beautiful testimony.

To be continued. 


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